Paelyn Kauffman runs down a shot on the sideline during her doubles match with Mati Carpenter. (Photo by David Brazeal)

Lady Tigers Top Carthage for 2nd Straight COC Win

Republic’s tennis team secured a 7-2 victory over Carthage, bolstered by strong performances in doubles and lower singles matches. The Lady Tigers established an edge in doubles matches, setting a confident tone for singles play.

“(We) won two of three doubles, which I think really settled us down and gave us confidence going into singles,” coach David Smashey said.

In singles, Republic’s top three matches were closely contested, with the Lady Tigers capturing two wins. The team cruised in the lower singles matches.

Mati Carpenter won 8-3 at No. 1 singles. Ella Lashley took a 9-7 victory at No. 2. Paelyn Kaufmann, Eva Riley, and Abigail Bremer won their matches at the No. 4-6 spots.

In doubles, Lashley and Aubree Tinsley won 8-4 at No. 2 doubles. Payton Schroeder and Brooklyn Douglas secured an 8-6 victory at No. 3 doubles.

The junior varsity also had a successful night, winning 16-10. Smashey praised Carthage for accommodating Republic’s large roster.

“Great JV night — everyone got to play thanks to the generosity of the Carthage players and coaches who were willing to keep playing to get all our players on the court,” Smashey said. “We have a lot of respect for that program.”

The varsity win moves Republic to 2-0 in the Central Ozark Conference and 2-1 overall.


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