The overall team ranking of Republic’s wrestling team at the Columbia Hickman tournament last weekend. The Tigers finished 9th out of 24 teams, 5 1/2 points behind 8th-place COC rival Branson and 44 1/2 points ahead of fellow COC member Joplin.
The number of pins by Connor Sandridge, Phillip George, Issac Collyoff, and Chase Hicks. Of the four, Sandridge posted his three pins in the fastest time, 2:29, followed by George (3:19), Collyott (5:29), and Hicks (15:15).
The number of pins by Republic as a team during the tournament. That was the 7th-highest total among the 24 teams. The pins were accomplished in an overall time of 52:02.
The number of top-8 finishes among Republic wrestlers. Connor Sandridge finished second at 170. Chase Hicks was fifth at 145. Phillip George finished sixth at 106. Maddox Wilkins was 7th at 152.