Ella Lashley reaches for a forehand at the baseline during her doubles win with Elli Woodward. (by David Brazeal)

Lashley Seals the Deal in Republic’s Nail-Biting Victory

The depth of Republic’s tennis lineup paid off Monday at Cooper Tennis Complex in a 5-4 win over Springfield Glendale. With the teams tied 4-4, the night came down to the #5 singles match, won by Ella Lashley, 8-4.

Although she didn’t know the night’s outcome depended on her until her match had ended, Lashley said she did notice her teammates were all nearby and cheering her on.

“I rely on my teammates a lot to cheer me on, and I do a lot better when they’re here,” she said. “When they got over here, I was like, ‘Okay, these last two points are mine.’ I was ready.”

Lashley had been part of one of Republic’s two doubles wins earlier, teaming with Elli Woodward to dominate their match, 8-1. Republic’s Mari Davidson and Monica Henry also picked up a hard-fought win, 9-7.

After Glendale won the top two singles spots, Woodward and Katie Teeter won their singles matches at #4 and #6, respectively. Mati Carpenter dropped a close decision at #3, leaving the entire night’s outcome riding on Lashley’s finish.

Although she was glad to get singles and doubles wins for herself, she was more pleased to find out she’d clinched the team victory.

“It’s really exciting, because winning on your own is fun, but I love my team,” she said. “I feel like we’re all a group, and it’s not just an individual sport.”

Final Scores:
#1 doubles: Lilly Carlo and Mati Carpenter lost 8-0
#2 doubles: Mari Davidson and Monica Henry won 9-7
#3 doubles: Elli Woodward and Ella Lashley won 8-1

#1 Singles: Mari Davidson lost 8-1
#2 Singles: Lilly Carlo lost 8-0
#3 Singles: Mati Carpenter lost 8-6
#4 Singles: Elli Woodward won 8-2
#5 Singles: Ella Lashley won 8-4
#6 singles: Katie Teeter won 8-3


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