By the Numbers – September 22, 2021

Miha Nambara's cross-country time at the Riann Lubinski Invitational in Nixa Tuesday. The time was a new school record, smashing the old mark by five seconds.
The number of tackles by linebacker Daniel Kotov through four games. That's more than twice as many as any other defender, and his 23 solo tackles also leads the team.
Republic football's giveaway-takeaway deficit through four games. Republic has turned the ball over 11 times (7 fumbles and four interceptions), compared to just four turnovers by opponents. Despite that deficit, Republic has managed a 2-2 record through four games.
The number of earned runs given up by Mara Lakey over her last four starts. Lakey has wins over Monett, Branson, Carthage, and Kickapoo, spanning 21 1/3 innings. That's an earned run average of 0.33 during that stretch.

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