Republic Softball Organizing Youth Program

Republic’s high school softball program is taking new steps to prepare young players for future success at the high school level. Coaches Lee Dishman and Allen Stolte are organizing a Republic youth softball program for competition in 2019. They’ll hold an informational parent meeting July 31 at 6:30 pm at the high school softball field.

The program will run from an 8-and-under team at the youngest ages, up to 18-and-under, if enough older players are available. Every player that comes to the tryout on August 5 will be placed on a team (unless there are only enough players for one team, which would be limited to 12 players). A $30 tryout fee will go toward buying softballs and other supplies. Players will be responsible for buying a uniform and for their portion of league and tournament registration fees.

Teams in the program will be expected to incorporate fundamentals and strategies of the high school program.

Tryout Information

8U and 10U
Sunday, Aug. 5, 2:00 – 3:30 pm

12U and 14U
Sunday, August 5, 4:00 – 5:30 pm


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