Tennis Wallops Webb City

Republic dominated on the tennis courts in a COC meet at Webb City Thursday, winning eight of nine matches.

The only loss for Republic was Samantha Minor, who suffered her first singles loss of the season. She dropped her match 8-4 to Miranda Miller.

Danielle Hopkins and Michaela Moore both won their matches without losing a game.

Sam Minor lost to Miranda Miller 4-8
Meagan McCord d. Jaycie Crockett 8-2
Danielle Hopkins d. Bailey Malcolm 8-0
Michaela Moore d. Janae Robinson 8-0
Rebecca Ledford d. Katrina Degonia 8-1
Ta’lor Sandul d. Tanna Buchanan 8-1

Minor/McCord d. Miller/Crockett 8-2
Hopkins/Moore d. Malcolm/Robinson 8-1
Ledford/Sandul d. Degonia/Buchanan 8-1


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