Tennis Team Suffers First Loss

The Republic girls tennis team lost its first dual meet of the year at home Thursday, falling to Rogersville 6-3.
Here are individual match scores for singles and doubles (Republic scores are listed first, with Republic winners in bold.):
#1 Sam Minor d. Kristyn Young 9-8 (8-6 tie break)
#2 Meagan McCord lost Hannah Nixon 1-8
#3 Danielle Hopkins lost Madison Watts 4-8
#4 Micheala Moore lost Karley Eakins 2-8
#5 Rebecca Ledford lost Stacey Williams 1-8
#6 Ta’lor Sandul d. Marissa Grimes 8-5
#1 Minor  / McCord d. Young / Watts 8-2
#2 Hopkins  / Moore lost Nixon / Eakins 1-8
#3 Ledford  / Sandul lost Williams / Ethridge 8-9 (tie break 5-7)

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